The World Happiness Report 2021, issued by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, focusing on the effects of COVID-19 finds India ranked 139 out of 149 countries in the list and topped by Finland.  This fact undoubtedly bothers us that why we are an unhappy lot. One point that comes to my mind is that perhaps majority of the times we are trying to please others than pleasing ourselves and are curious to know what is going around them than minding our own lives. Forgetting that this becomes the root cause of our unhappiness. We are all time comparing our lives with others be it friends, neighbours or even extended families. We shall be surely a happier lot l if we start focusing on our own lives than others, though totally agree that life is not a bed of roses.

Life is like a camera, we need to focus on what is important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and move on. Also, we should not judge our lives by the harvest we reap but by the ways we nurture our harvest towards peace and contentment. We need to feel the joy in little things we do for ourselves and others, value family and friendship.

Thus, happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfilment.  It is associated with experiencing more positive feelings and dealing with negative emotions. It is a journey of feelings that starts with our mind-set. In life surely burdens, failures, and insecurities drag us down. All these negativities keep us sinking further and we forget that we have a lot of good things to be thankful for in our lives. Once we shall start counting our blessings our mind will start smiling and instantly the body will be relieved and lighter. Therefore, we should take charge of our attitude and change our mind set. We should begin to be more accepting and appreciative of what we have been blessed with instead of burdening ourselves from unnecessary pressures. This will help in realizing that most things in life are good even if they are not perfect and are good enough to make us happier.

Life is all about our emotions and happiness is found when we master our own emotions.  We need to control them from unnecessary public display if not required. As our happiness encompasses emotional happiness, physical happiness, social happiness, occupational happiness, intellectual happiness, environmental happiness and spiritual happiness we need to work on each quotient to be happier.

 Happiness is thus, to laugh often and win the respect of people in our lives; the affection of our children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give the world a happier and better version of self; accept that we should be the masters of our lives. We can blow away our clouds of unhappiness when we start practicing the power of positivity. The power it is so strong that it can change our world and attitude towards life. Now, let us look at some of the ways that can be followed to cure ourselves from unhappiness:

• Let us pamper ourselves- fill our body, mind, and soul with all those positive things that make us happy.

• Focus on positivity and deal with the negativities. Try finding solutions instead of magnifying the problems.

• Follow the art of being grateful as it gives fortitude to solve our problems.

• Provide ourselves and others too with the ‘Psychological First Aid’ in form of emotional- mental support filled with positivity.

• Be our own guide and help those too who need us.

• Learn to manage our own thoughts, mentor our negative feelings, and behaviour patterns.

• Make a ‘Worry Jar’, note down our worries and put them in it to be dealt later when relaxed, as instant reactions to any of the problems can be harmful and may remain unresolved adding or multiplying our stress.

• Practice the art of noting down the blessings and having the ‘ME’ time when we can pray, meditate, and contemplate on our blessings.

• Enjoy doing the chores of our daily life. They prove to be strong stress busters.

• Follow some hobbies like singing, dancing, art, painting or exercising to derive delight and satisfaction.

• Reduce the screen time and spare time to connect physically with family, friends, and others whom you love.

• Stop for a while following those people and things that can rub of our happiness.

• Find ways to become a rainbow in others’ lives.

• Watch and recommend good inspirational movies to get inspired.

• Maintain a Journal of everyday moments to enrich our own life.

Therefore, it is time to recognize, reward, recreate, rejoice, and reform to understand the values of being happy ourselves, before spreading it to others.

“Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you cannot love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are – completely; the good and the bad – and make changes as YOU see fit – not because you think someone else wants you to be different.” Stacey Charter